Department of Osteopathy

“Osteopathy” used to be known as “bonesetting” in that it involved setting broken bones and resetting separated joints. Before the field of medicine had achieved sufficient development, all of the measures for fractures and dislocations were dependent upon the sensitive touch of the practitioner’s hands. In that distant past, when the options of medicines and operations still did not exist, “bonesetting” in Japan went through a major technical evolution and became established as a traditional therapy unique to this country. The treatments that evolved on the basis of the techniques used in ancient “bonesetting” came to be generally known as “Japanese-style osteopathic therapy”, and were applied to all pains and injuries. Today, “Japanese-style osteopathic therapy” has been developed even further through the addition of scientific elements from contemporary medicine to that original sensitive manual therapy. In our facility’s Department of Osteopathy, we use “Japanese-style osteopathic therapy” as a part of our treatment for pain and injury in each part and each joint of the body.
“Japanese-style osteopathic therapy” remains applicable to a wide breadth of ailments and diseases and useful for a broad range of objectives. This includes, naturally, therapy for the injuries and pain we encounter daily, but also the treatment of intractable diseases that do not readily improve, as well as sports-related injuries that require recovery in as quick a timeframe as possible. The feature of “osteopathic therapy” as practiced at our facility involves the practitioner directly touching the affected body part, perceptively reading the minute signals emitted by the patient’s body, and proceeding according to that person’s condition on that particular day. While using various manual techniques and medical equipment, this enables us to pick and choose the optimal treatment for each of our patients at any given time. When X-rays are also required, we cooperate with local doctors to ensure rapid response. And, depending on a patient’s condition or ailment, we can also introduce university and other affiliated hospitals. Please feel free to contact our Department of Osteopathy, no matter what ailment may be troubling you.

Reception Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 11:30 and 16:00 to 19:30
* Thursday afternoons available by reservation only.
Saturdays: 8:30 to 12:30.
Closed: Sundays and holidays, year end and New Year holidays, summer vacation

We accept health, workmen’s compensation, and automobile insurance.